Optimization and Productivity

Automatically identify and deploy the optimal mix of category space.

  • Create optimization opportunities through automatic selection of the optimal combination of best performing category spaces.
  • Increase employee productivity by automating repetitive macro space tasks and dramatically increase accuracy and store relevance.
Explore Category Space Optimization.
Generate Performance
A retailer's ability to quickly identify the varying performance levels of category space across each of its stores is critical. The solution enables you to isolate and address underperforming space immediately and, based on your important metric driven goals, automatically select the optimal combinations of categories and associated planograms as they relate to each store or store cluster. This supports the floor planning team to rapidly improve the performance levels, justify the changes required and effectively communicate them for stores to execute efficiently. We help you to:

  • Significantly increase the productivity of HQ and store employees.
  • Easily identify opportunities to improve store performance.
  • Ensure the optimal category space is identified and assigned across the store estate.
  • Plan space in stores that meets the needs of your most valued customers.
Increase Productivity
The analysis, building and modification of store estates' layouts includes several laborious tasks often very repetitive in nature. The solution is designed to automate many of these tasks with intuitive capabilities and guidance, accelerating significantly a user's ability to generate accurate layouts and analyses that support rapid decision making.